
18 Apr

“This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.”‭‭Psalms‬ ‭118:24‬ ‭ESV‬‬

Beloved, rise up. Regardless of what sorrow is with you, rejoice anyway! 

The heaviness of life can seem overwhelming at times, but! But! We have a conqueror that goes before us. 

Trust in our perfect Father, trust in His perfect plan. Even when it hurts so badly,even when it’s more than you feel you can bear! Trust in Him and tell Him everything. 

Satan loves to mess with us when we have trials. Guard your thoughts and your heart. 

Let’s also be wise in our trial. Let’s remember, this is just a new trial. We’ve had many other trials before this one. Satan will make you think you can’t do this. Yes, you can! You! Are a lioness! Rememer! You have walked through the valley before and you will arrive on the other side again. 

If you want truth, look back and see that you had many trials, many times of hardship, even times of despair – and they are all behind you. You had times between those trials of absolute happiness. 

Let that comfort you, give you supernatural peace. Please, don’t give Satan your fear. 

The past shows us- with Christ, we can do all things. We can do the furnace with Him by our side.

This is our joy in the midst of sorrow. That even though we may be walking through hell, we are not walking alone and this will not last. 

Truth is truth. So wake up and rejoice in this day that you still get to hope for the future, that you get to be loved so very much. That you are free! That you will meet someone today that needs your joy! 

One Response to “Today! ”

  1. Debbie L April 18, 2017 at 5:11 am #


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